SBTi Carbon Certificates and Carbon Credits in Net Zero Targets

On April 9, 2024, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a significant organization focused on aligning corporate environmental sustainability actions with global targets to limit climate change, announced plans to expand the use of environmental attribute certificates, such as emissions

European Union Industrial Emissions Directive

On April 12, 2024, the European Council approved the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (“IED”) and the regulation for the establishment of the Industrial Emissions Portal (“IEP”), two complementary legal frameworks aimed at regulating and monitoring the environmental impact

2024-04-29T18:51:41+03:0029 April 2024|Uncategorized|

United Kingdom Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The UK government has announced that the UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (“UK CBAM”) will be implemented by 2027, one year after the European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (EU CBAM) becomes fully operational in 2026. The UK CBAM implementation

2024-04-29T18:48:08+03:0029 April 2024|Uncategorized|

EU – Renewable Energy and Aviation Regulation

The European Council announced on October 9, 2023, that it had adopted two significant legislations, marking an important step. The first directive among the adopted legislations aims to nearly double the share of renewable energy consumption in the European Union

2023-11-03T09:05:48+03:003 November 2023|Uncategorized|

EU – Green Claims

On September 19, 2023, the legislative bodies of the European Union (EU) Parliament and the EU Council announced a provisional agreement on new rules aimed at protecting consumers from misleading sustainability claims and greenwashing practices.

This proposal intends to amend the

2023-11-03T09:03:12+03:003 November 2023|ESG & Sürdürülebilirlik|
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